5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find the Purpose of Your Life

How to Find the Purpose of Life

A life without a purpose is like a ship without a destination, adrift on an endless sea of uncertainty. The moment we lose it, life can feel empty and devoid of meaning. 

So, we cannot live without a purpose. Every successful person had a great purpose that drove them forward. 

Steve Jobs had a clear purpose: to create innovative and user-friendly technology that would change the way we live and communicate. His passion for design and innovation led to the creation of iconic products and the unforgettable brand in the world that we all love; Apple.

It was him who gave that perception to Apple as a brand through the purpose of his life, following his passion. If not, it will be just another šŸŽ 

He asked himself every morning looking in the mirror; ā€œif today was the last day of my life, would I want to do, what I am about to do today?ā€

If your answer is ā€œNoā€ to this same question and if you are feeling empty and unhappy about your life, start looking for your purpose in life and live happily until you die. 

(You can find the link to the video that changed my life at the end of this article. I cried when I first watched it. Now, I watch this very often to encourage myself to keep my tough journey going forward). 

An example guide to answer these questions is also mentioned at the end of this article (example for an entrepreneur, professional and anyone who wants to achieve financial freedom). 

Ask these 5 questions yourself and discover the ā€œPurposeā€ of your life. 

Close your eyes and imagine yourself to find the answer to Question 1.

Then open your eyes, write down what you imagined for Question 1. 

Then repeat the same 2 steps for each question. 

If money wasnā€™t a limitation, 

1. How would you see yourself living?

2. What would you love to do the most in life that matters to you? 

3. What impact do you want to have on others?

4. How would you want people to remember you?

5. What makes your life worthy of living?  Or What do you value in your life?

Now, check your answer list and compare it with your life today. Do I have it today?Mark them with Yes, No. 

Heads up: 

Donā€™t get disappointed by doing this if you have many ā€œNoā€s. This is a way to understand ourselves to find the path to our happiness in life. So, be thankful, because you are about to discover the real you and find solutions, ways to reach your happiness. 

If your answers are matching without a gap, with many ā€œYesā€, then you are the luckiest person in the world and I am so happy for you šŸ˜ƒ

If you have a gap, then itā€™s time to start looking for ways to live your life up to your expectation. 

ā€œYour time is limited. So, donā€™t waste it living someone elseā€™s lifeā€ - Steve Jobs

Follow your heart. Find your purpose in life, make sure itā€™s your real purpose, not what othersā€™ have shaped for you with what the society accepts. 

You can always write back to me. Tell me what you felt and discovered after trying this. 

I hope youā€™ll soon find the real purpose of your life and be truly happy for yourself. šŸŒž

Use this link to access the example guide to answer these questions. (The guide will be emailed to you). I took 7 days to try this for me. So, take your time, make use of this example guide. 

Hereā€™s the video of Steve Jobs that changed my life to follow my heart & do what I love to do instead of living in otherā€™s dreams. 

I am planning to write about ā€œHow to find your passion & earn from itā€ via my upcoming articles. Let me know whether this is something you would like to know about. šŸ™‚

I write about proven processes and strategies to build and grow your business while living a balanced life.

(Entrepreneurship, Startup building, SaaS, Profit, Productivity and Goal Achievement Tips)

I can help you optimize your LinkedIn profile;

  • To stand out among the crowd (because attention is the key now)

  • To land in your next dream job (because you are losing $12,000/yr now staying at the same place)

  • To start your LinkedIn creator journey (still only 1% users are creators on LinkedIn. Donā€™t lose this huge potential to grow your personal brand).