The One Biggest Mistake Founders Make & Fail in Business

How “Not” to Fail in Your Business

The one biggest mistake the Founders make is;

“Branding their product assuming where their potential customer is”

😕 (Confused?)

Let me show you an example.

Imagine you are a B2B Founder who sells a product to Ed-tech founders.

Where do your potential customers, Ed-tech founders are in or what social media platform do they use often?

They are on LinkedIn and Twitter/ X.

So, now you start promoting your product on LinkedIn and X.

But you can’t reach a good number of customers.


Because they are actually using Instagram and TikTok.

Most of the Ed-Tech founders’ user groups are young people who use Instagram and TikTok.

So, they hang around in social media platforms where their customers are, not on LinkedIn and X.

Don’t make this big mistake by assuming things. 🚫🤔

If you need to make sales as a B2B Founder, think of the things from your customers’ point of view. Find where their customers are and reach them by promoting your brand on the places where they hang around.

Solve your customers’ problem, not your problem of getting a sale. 💡🛠️

Here’s a generic infographic (cheat-sheet) to find where your customer is.

However, as I explained above, don’t just make assumptions based on general information. Go and talk to a few potential customers and find what platforms they are actually using.

(PS: I passed 1.1K impressions for this cheatsheet even without having 5000 followers on my LinkedIn, because cheatsheets perform well there. If you need my “Editable Canva Cheatsheet Templates” to post with your own content, then reply me to this email or DM me via LinkedIn or Instagram).

Use my “Editable Canva Cheatsheet Templates”,

Save 100s of hours thinking and creating new designs.

You don’t need to be a creative designer or pay designers $1,000 to design them for you.

Get my editable cheatsheet templates (10 pack) only for $129 and copy, paste your text or ChatGPT generated texts to the boxes available in minutes.

Publish on LinkedIn or Instagram as your own cheatsheets and double your impression count.

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See you next week! 👋

I write about tips to become successful as Creators and Tech Founders with a balance in life.

(Entrepreneurship, Profit, SaaS Products, Creator Life, Productivity and Goal Achievement Tips)